Day 3: WordPress Essentials – Keyword Analysis & More!

July 14, 2008 by · 15 Comments 

Great job yesterday again! You have established a WordPress blog with the necessary plug-ins and got a good view of the WordPress backoffice. Today we are going to focus on getting your first blog post up and learning about Keyword placement for optimal search engine optimization. Remember, the key here is to have high organic placement. High organic google placement means that when someone searches for a certain term, like bass fishing, that you will place in the results of bass fishing on the first page.

Therefore today we need to learn a little about the essential of keyword analysis and S.E.O. optimization of your blogs. Google likes content, ORIGINAL content that people will enjoy reading. If you are planning on copying other people’s articles and not being creative at all then plan on not ranking well on Google’s search engine.

Not only is it important to have original content but it is also very important to have content that is updated regularly. I suggest daily blog posts, or if this isn’t possible then I suggest every other day posting. Google’s webcrawlers will see that you update often and will thus increase your organic search placement. If for some reason you aren’t capable or writing or don’t think that you can post original content everyday then there are solutions. Content writers, article writers, blog writers and just about every type of position necessary you can outsource. Saving you time and money and allowing you to focus on whatever elements you are good at. Rates vary depending on the word count, and many other factors. Expect to pay $5/article though and typically the turn around is good. I suggest Elance as they are constantly reliable and have the best prices and the best writers.


If you have decided that you are going to write original content and don’t have a problem doing that then go for it! Now its time to understand keyword placement and how to set up your blog posts so they are Google and search engine friendly. Here are the essentials to creating the keyword associated post.

  • Use ‘keyword’ in Title of Blogpost
  • Use ‘keyword’ in first 90 characters of post
  • Use ‘keyword’ once again in your post!

That’s it! For some reason that’s all it takes to have a good Google association for a keyword. Now this doesn’t mean that if you do this you are automatically going to top the Google charts for those keywords. No way Jose, but this is just one of the factors that is going to help you build a foundation for your blog.

Your goal for the original content postings is to capture as many popular keyword’s for your dedicated topic. So head over to Wordtracker again, and look for the top keyword searches regarding your ‘general’ keyword theme. Now use those for title’s for posts and follow the criteria above for placing that keyword in your post. This is essential as you want to try and target as many of the popular searches as possible thus allowing you to sort of throw some bait out there for people to ‘catch’!

So far today we have covered the topics of Keyword Research for blog posts and sources for you to outsource your work. Don’t be intimidated or feel overwhelmed if you are at this point. It takes some time to get used to this sort of stuff, but don’t sweat it! I’m going to end today early because I know sometimes that people feel overwhelmed. Yesterday I had someone emailing me with some additional questions and I could tell they felt overwhelmed. Go ahead and familiarize yourself today with the WordPress system and create your first post! Make it an introduction post and let people know about you.