Craigslist Advertising Tips – Day 12

July 30, 2008 by  

Today’s method may seem a little bit on the unethical side, although that all really depends on how you use the knowledge that I’m going to provide in today’s article. Craigslist advertising, when and if used properly can be extremely rewarding. Although there are a few things that you need to look out for before you start your Craigslist marketing campaign.

Not every Craigslist marketing campaign is going to be successful, thats the honest truth. It’s a time consuming advertising method albeit free. It all really depends on what your website/blog is about and your method of attack.  If you just go and spam blast Craigslist that is unethical (blackhat) and will most likely get you banned from the service.

Why Choose Craigslist?

Simple, the website is HUGE! This worldwide nearly free classifieds has a ranking of 40 on Alexa. With an average of 10 million unique visitors a month and the overall appealing classified format Craigslist is a huge hit.  Did I mention free? Well nearly free, unless you post job postings in major cities and even some real estate listings. By the way, those 10 million unique visitors generate over 4 billion page views in a month. Obviously something works at Craigslist, the question is can you successfully?

Posting On Craigslist

Craigslist is broken down by a city/state format. Your initial goal should be to find a city that has alot of action, and alot of action in the city that you will be posting in. I personally suggest focusing on major metropolitan area’s. They will generally have alot more traffic, but it depends on your product and website obviously. If you are selling the idea of bass fishing, New York city probably would not be your first choice to advertise.

Target your city by the demographics and the product that you are marketing. Your results will be significantly better than if you didn’t. Your goal isn’t to SPAM, but to have targeted advertisements. This leads to the next point, select the appropriate category! Find a category that you want to post on that is appropriate for your posting. Craigslist has set up a user based filtration system, which means that if users feel that your posting is too spammy or in an incorrect category they can flag it for removal. Keep this in mind when you are creating your advertisements and postings.

Posting In Multiple Cities

Craigslist has a very innovative filtering system on top of their user based system. When you make postings Craigslist system will automatically filter out similar postings from other cities. Either by blatantly telling you that there is a similar posting in the system, or by ‘ghosting’ your advertisement. Ghosting is when Craigslist tells you that your posting was successful but never makes it onto their website.

How do you get around this? It can be technical and time consuming. Not to mention you need to be very creative if you plan on doing a mass Craigslist advertising campaign.

  1. Create an unique headline for each post
  2. Create an image based ad, no text based, and use a unique image name for every ad you post.
  3. Create accounts for ease of posting control, each account can only post in 5-10 cities.

Create Unique Headline for Each Post

If you use the same headline in each post for each city you won’t even be able to get past the first of the Craigslist filters. This is where you need to get creative and make unique titles for each posting. Don’t think that you can just change the wording around, that isn’t good enough. Each headline must be unique. Thankfully most of this work has been done for you. Head over to Google and type in a keyword around your websites/postings subject. Then look over at the Google Adwords results on the right side of the page. There are TONS of successful headlines that you could use, obviously if they are PAYING to advertise with Adwords they have done some research to make sure that they have a high click through ratio. Use that to your benefit.

I also tend to use the spam filter check to do a quick test on my headlines to make sure that they won’t get filtered out for spam reasons. You can find this utility at the Sitesell website.

Create Image Based Ad

Why? As I talked about before Craigslist spam filter system will search for similar ads and filter them out so that they don’t even make it on the website. Craigslist system can only scan the text of the advertisement and it looks for similarity of ads. Unless you want to create unique headlines, completely unique ads, and accounts then keep reading. Obviously KEEP READING! You don’t have time to do that! Here is how you get around it.

  • Create one advertisement ad that you think is going to be successful and captivating. Open up your image editing program, MS Paint, Photoshop, whatever. Type up your advertisement and ad a picture or two.
  • Remember to include a captivating headline, your benefits, the call to action and your website URL
  • Host your pictures with a hosting picture service, NOT your own host. I suggest using Photobucket.
  • Name the image with unique names, this way they don’t ban that one image and then have all your posts fail. So create several of the same picture with different names.
  • Make sure to link the picture to your website! That way the person simply clicks on your picture and is taken to your website

Wow, I’m sure that sounds very confusing. But this is what you need to do if you want to successfully post on Craigslist. The goal is UNIQUE content, otherwise you will never make it to their website. If you plan on doing  a very large Craigslist broadcast you will need to learn how to change your IP address. This is the address that your computer is associated with to access the internet. If Craigslist notices postings from your IP address and hundreds of postings, they will ban your IP forever. So take the postings slow if you have to resort to your own IP. Otherwise learn about proxies and you should be in the clear, or even an aircard with your cellular provider. Another example is using your cell phone tethered to your computer. Everytime you disconnect and reconnect (easy) with the tethered connection you get a new I.P.

Remember not to abuse this, this is for posting in a few cities with a few different advertisements and getting away with it and not get ghosted. Craigslist ghosting sucks but if you follow the steps I provided above you won’t have to experience it.

[tags]Craigslist advertising, craigslist posting, craigslist marketing, craigslist help, craigslist guide, craigslist advertising tips[/tags]


12 Responses to “Craigslist Advertising Tips – Day 12”

  1. Moira Webb on September 17th, 2008 7:49 am

    Here’s another tip – instead of posting your phone number, be safe and use a site that allows you to receive calls anonymously

  2. Shellie Avery on September 19th, 2008 10:38 am

    Great link and thanks for sharing.

  3. Conrad Sanford on September 20th, 2008 6:09 pm


    Anyone have any real success with Craigslist marketing. I was perusing CraigsList Cash Cow – sounds sensible — but reality always steps in. Anyone tried to sell a product or generate affiliate income through CL. Please let me know your results.

  4. Elias Butler on September 22nd, 2008 12:49 am

    i would be interested to know more about this too

  5. Ina Richards on September 22nd, 2008 8:28 am

    Hello there

    I haven’t heard of it but I’ll certainly check it out and let you know. Be back soon


  6. Sonny Fisher on September 24th, 2008 1:40 am

    I’m always a little skeptical of Craig’s list tactics…I’ve not have my share of success with them in the past. I’m not trying to be the only naysayer, but just consider their methods well before diving in…you don’t want your site to get spammed.

  7. Nannette Hebert on September 25th, 2008 7:53 pm

    ‘ve reviewed it and his techniques are *really* amazing! I’ve never seen anyone else teach what he knows.

  8. Karen Lloyd on September 29th, 2008 2:36 pm

    Hi Justin,

    I’ve used it and the methods he teaches work awesome!

    Best wishes,

  9. Maynard Sanders on October 1st, 2008 12:17 pm

    Hello! You can scroll through 100s of craigslist ads rather than mouse clicking through all those links! Quickly scroll through 100s of your search results easily and safely

  10. Tod Quinn on October 3rd, 2008 10:46 pm

    Interesting article. I just wanted to include that Craigs List can be a difficult environment for online marketers, and I just recently did a radio show on that topic. The show is entiotled “Frankly Better Internet Marketing” and it appears at near the bottom of the page. My guest was James Starr, who co-authored an instructional series called “Craigs List Black Hat”, largely about getting around Craigs List defenses. He shares his thoughts about online marketing and how to get started, as well as some great tips on his topic of expertise, writing classified ads.
    Its an hour long show, and I hope you get the chance to listen while you go about your daily marketing tasks. Its also available for download.

  11. Hunter Mcmillan on October 6th, 2008 7:13 am

    Very helpful post. Hope you will write on all the topics details.

    BTW, you may change the template of your blog easily. This classic template is not good looking I think.

  12. Charmaine Moon on October 13th, 2008 1:11 am

    Great article. I’ve never considered Twitter as a marketing tool, especially with so many social media outlets available these days. However, I think these are great tips that can effectively and efficiently promote a business. Thanks!

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